Friday 6 April 2012

Sotheby's pulls ancient Cambodian statue from auction

A 5-foot-tall sandstone statue from Cambodia was estimated to sell for approximately 3 million US dollars at Sotheby's NYC last week. Sotheby's claims the seller is a European collector who bought the piece from a London dealer, allegedly in 1975. 

US Federal prosecutors are trying to confiscate the statue arguing it was stolen from a temple, and illegally imported into the US. They claim it is o"extraordinary value" to the Cambodian people and "a triumph of creativity and innovation". Sotheby's, on the other hand, is disputing the allegations and allege to have "...researched this sculpture extensively and have never seen nor been presented with any evidence that specifies when the sculpture left Cambodia". Well, now that they are being presented with evidence they just have to give it back! Well done, US Federal prosecutors, we are following your work!

Read more on the ART DAILY

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